Search Queries That Came To This Site, Part 2: Odd but coherent

There have been a few queries that somehow led to this blog which weren’t actually bizarre, as such, but which were kind of unexpected…

Someone in Maryland was trying to find out “why does alcohol rub work?”, for example. The answer is, it’s a “counter-irritant”. The effect is somewhat similar to rubbing a sore spot, stretching a sore muscle, or scratching an itch. The mild “burning” of the alcohol helps deaden the soreness. Beyond that, it’s some medical/physiology-of-freakish-gigantic-multicellular-eukaryotes thing, so I’ll defer a detailed explanation to someone who’s more of an expert on such things.

Someone in New Jersey wanted to know “what does a gram of nutmeg look like”. Well, I’ve never actually measured it but I’d guess a gram of ground nutmeg is probably about half-a-teaspoon of coarse (sand-grain-sized) light-brown-and-tan bits.

Pakistan wanted “total molecules of universe”. Doesn’t everyone know this? It’s exactly 2.379×10some-really-big-number. To 4 significant figures, of course. Oh, and the last digit of pi is “3”.

Colorado (I think) consulted the oracle of Google for “Why does immersion oil work”. It’s a refraction thing. Simplistically, when light goes from one substance to another – like the glass of the slide, to your sample material, to the air, to the objective lens of the microscope – it’s direction gets bent slightly. Different substances cause a different amount of bend. The immersion oil causes less bend than air does, and when you’re operating at really high magnification, it’s important to keep as much of the light as possible getting into the lens of the microscope instead of ending up “bent” away from it. Unless I’ve badly mangled my understanding of it, this is also part of why the light in the microscope seems to get dimmer as you increase the magnification.

Possibly from Florida came a query on “Scientific How Enzymes work to get stains out of carpet”. Even more simplistically than the previous explanation: Everything wants to fall apart, but is usually too lazy to just do so, so a little bit of extra energy (the “activation energy”) needs to be added to push-start it. Enzymes are catalysts – they each make a specific kind of reaction able to happen with less activation energy. If the enzyme is good enough, you reach the point where the ordinary ambient heat supplies enough energy to get things going – like breaking down those large, ugly, dark-colored chunks of protein and stuff in stains into smaller, invisible bits.

California asked Google about “eugenol clove isolation”. I suspect that if you want some kind of extreme high purity thing, you might be better off just approaching it as an Organic Synthesis problem. Otherwise, why cut out any other components of the clove buds that may add subtle flavors to the mix? If you’re just trying to separate the clove flavor from the chunks of dried evergreen-bush-flower-buds, though, there are a few ways to do it. Eugenol’s a phenol-like compound, and it’s soluble in ethanol. Go to the local liquor store and buy some vodka or EverClear™, soak the clove buds in it for a while, and pour it off. You could conceivably also try distilling it directly from the buds, as some people do to extract perfume oils from flowers.

Luxembourg sought “+homebrew +LED +Flashlight”. If anybody’s interested in that, it deserves a separate post, but it’s pretty easy. I’ve been planning to make an infrared one to do some IR digital photography, and to modify an 8-white-LED flashlight to turn it into a UV flashlight anyway.

Somewhere in Michigan, some concerned soul wanted to know “does beer have red dye in it”? Well, I’d argue that definitely, no real beer does. It’s possible that some mass-market commercial swill does, though I suspect even then it might only happen as A)a ‘novelty’ beer (like Green beer on St. Patrick’s day) or B)places like China or any other country where there seems to be a lot of unnecessary prettification of alleged foodstuffs. Now, I’m no Rheinheitsgebot zealot or anything, but beer ought to at least be reasonably “natural”…

There were a couple of queries on why Bunsen burners work, for some reason. Well, they’re essentially just tiny little carburetors for making variable flames instead of feeding a combustion engine.

Someone in Ghana wanted to know “How to make something disappear scientifically?”. Well, you can’t. But you can change something into something else. You can’t (scientifically speaking) make water disappear, but you can turn it into a gas by heating it. You can’t make oxygen gas “disappear” but you can combine it with hydrogen so that you end up with water but no molecular oxygen gas. And so forth.

Illinois wanted advice on “what to cook when you are bored and sick”. I think it depends on what kind of sickness you’ve got and how soon you expect to recover, and whether you’re cooking because you’re bored or specifically because you want something to eat that won’t make you feel sicker. Make some yogurt. Bake some bread. Or mild ginger cookies. Or make some “Jell-O™” (or other brand of instant-flavored-gelatin, for that matter). All easy to digest stuff. Or, you could make some Pepto-Bismol™ Ice Cream

Texas wanted to know “Food science- why chill the dough”. The details depend on the context (cookies? Pie crust?) but generally it seems to be to make sure the fats in the dough stay solid. In pie crust, chilling the dough makes sure the bits of butter or lard stay chunky instead of getting spread evenly throughout the dough – when they cook and melt, this leave little areas in the dough that aren’t solid, making the crust flaky. In cookies, this might help keep the dough from flattening too quick when you cook them.

Hmmm. More of these than I realized. For tonight I’ll stop on this one: Pennsylvania was trying to find out: “what does the Giant Microbe factory look like”? I don’t actually know the answer to this one, but since the Giant Microbes headquarters looks like it’s just an office in an office building, they probably contract out to someone else to actually make the giant plush microbes. I’m guessing they probably renew their contracts every so often, and maybe shop out different runs to different factories, so there isn’t necessarily a single “Giant Microbe” factory…

I suppose that’s enough for one evening. I’ve really got to catch up on my sleep…

Search Queries That Came To This Site: Part 1 – comic relief

But first – a quick notice: I just added a “rating” bar for posts. Feel free to vote – the more feedback I get, the more likely it is that I may eventually learn to write more consistently coherent and interesting things…

At this point, this little blog seems to get most of its meager traffic (by far) from search queries. The searches have been piling up, and I figure it’s about time to do some posts to try to address those searches.

For part 1 here, I believe I’ll start with the oddball searches which often don’t seem to have anything to do with microbiology or, indeed, sometimes anything coherent at all. It’s late, and I could use some comic relief. (In Part 2 I’ll discuss some of the unexpected-but-coherent searches that led to my blog, and in Part 3 I’ll post about the kinds of microbiology searches I kind of expect to see in the logs that I’ve gotten…)

Why MSN loses to Google and Yahoo:

  • Out of the 5 whole MSN queries that have led to this site, two of them are: “mazda” and “debt”. I have no idea why. (In fairness, the other three queries were perfectly plausible microbiology-type queries).

Just plain “Huh????”

  • Someone in San Jose got here by Googling the phrase: “Type of fruit makes balloon grow bigger”
  • Someone from Nairobi(?) got here by querying “death and nuisances”
  • From a Washington State school organization of some sort: “a powder that looks slimy looking when lemon juice is added”
  • From a Toronto school network: “how does pink solution work(remove stain)”. (Actually, they may have been looking for information on Eradasol™, which is a seriously nasty-smelling detergent/solvent of some kind which does a good job of removing microbiology-type dyes from floors, countertops, fingers, etc…)
  • From the UK: “in search engine type cell a room” (Uh…what?)
  • From Indonesia: “expired of natto” (are they trying to find out when you throw away Natto instead of eating it, or people who died from eating Natto?)
  • From the Department of Education in Orange County (California, presumably): “water ballon splater”[sic]
  • From the Department of Education in Queensland, Australia: “why does this material work for the room”
  • And finally, my personal favorite from (apparently) Google itself: “iron chef cheese balloon”


  • Both New Zealand and the UK got here trying to find out about how “mushrooms are evil”. This is completely unfounded – Mushrooms are our FRIENDS.

Kinda Scary

  • From the Vancouver area: “world’s best bathrooms, microbiologically” (Ah, but best for what purpose?…)
  • I got two different queries (both from Pennsylvania?) for “eating expired jello” (Actually, as far as I know, so long as the stuff remains dried in its sealed pouches, it’s probably safe to eat almost indefinitely. I’d be a little leery of expired pre-made gelatin, though – that stuff’s a relatively simple protein mixed with lots of water and, often, sugar. Sounds like very attractive food for microbes of all kinds, including some that might make you sick…)
  • Speaking of which, someone at University of Michigan was looking for “eating expired bread spore”
  • Someone from Illinois was looking for “old interrogation room pictures”(?!) on Yahoo…
  • Someone on a military base in Ohio somehow got here looking for “solicitation can be released at least how many days”

And, perhaps scariest of all:

  • someone in Alabama had an odd search phrase: “organism +I*”

Why is this scary? Everyone remembers Isaac Asimov, who (while he was a live organism) wrote “I, Robot”, right? Well, obviously this means that a secret cabal of government agents managed to steal Asimov’s brain and upload it into a computer, thus creating a Robot Isaac Asimov (and this searcher wanted to know when Robo-Asimov would be publishing “I, Organism”.) Obviously, government “working” as well as it does, their Robo-Asimov still uses “Reverse Polish Notation”, hence the reverse-entry of “Organism I”…Okay, enough silliness for one evening. More – hopefully – tomorrow.

Short Low-content (but relevant) post

Mainly to remind myself, but in case anyone’s interested:

I’m going to have to do another “Searches that led to pages on this blog” post soon – there are some interesting ones.

If I have my way, I’ll also be in a position to do some posts on bacterial virology, yogurt, and the microbiology of Belgian Lambic ales. (For the Bacterial Virology lab, I’m going to see if I can play with temperate (“lysogenic“) phages in yogurt, and for the “food microbiology” portion of the Pathogenic Microbiology lab, I’m going to see if I can talk them into letting me try to isolate [normal] bacteria from Lambic [assuming there are any still living in there].)

Sorry about the recent case of blogstipation…

So, here I am blogging from the hospital…

What? Oh, no, I’m fine, it’s just right across the street from where all of my classes are this semester, and they have a fairly decent cheap cafeteria. Plus, if I get this particular table, I can just barely get enough of a signal with my laptop’s external antenna to connect to my college network account.

Last week was spring break. Although I probably SHOULD have spent it drunk and naked, according to common wisdom, I instead spent it trying to catch up on sleep and doing a bit of culturally and educationally enlightening travel.

Aside from yesterday’s trip to the Opera, we managed to get out to visit Lehman Caves. As one might guess, I was hoping I’d get to find out something about the microbiology of the cave (in addition to ogling the impressive mineral stuff.)

As far as the microbiology goes, I was quite disappointed. One of the small books in the visitor’s center mentioned the existence of chemolithoautotrophic bacteria. In one paragraph. The entire content of which I just summarized here. Not even an identification of what kind of bacteria they are. The guide for the cave tour only knew that the bacteria in the cave were “harmless” (well, yeah, I kind of imagined they would be). There were also cyanobacteria happily if slowly growing near the lights, which nobody seemed to know too much about either.

I did get the name of the person responsible for issuing research permits – I’m seriously considering trying to make the cave one of the sites for my Senior Thesis study.

I did some other things, too, but I’ve got to pack up and head for class now. In case anyone besides my immediate family is reading this regularly (please comment if you are!) I will try to post a lot more often now – the last couple of weeks have just been a major distraction.

I’ve got DNA! I’ve got DNA! I’ve got DNA!…

As you can see, I’ve got DNA. I’ve been trying to get this stuff successfully extracted and the 16s rDNA amplified for months (off and on) now. Looks like doing the whole-genome-amplification step first did the trick – this is from a set of mixed halophiles in a phlogisticated environment growing in approximately 18% salt solution, and they grow very slowly. It’s hard to get enough DNA extracted from such a small population to do useful work with.image of electrophoresis of 16s DNA amplicons

The gel “bands” you see to the right of the image are (or at least should be) made of copies of the DNA which codes for various “16s small-subunit ribosomal RNA” sequences for the one-or-more different kinds of prokaryotes living in my culture. The brighter the band, the more DNA is there.

Since all of the samples were processed exactly the same way, then, the brightness of the band should, at least indirectly, indicate how many bacteria were in each sample to begin with. This isn’t necessarily true – there can be variation in how many copies of the gene each kind of bacteria has, so if the populations are very different the results could be misleading. Still, it’s gratifying that my little ‘proof-of-concept’ experiment not only finally gave me some DNA but even shows exactly the kind of difference I originally hoped for. (The second “lane” from the top with the brightest band was SUPPOSED to be enriched for certain types of bacteria, according to my hypothesis. The first “lane” should have had less, and it does. The third lane is my “positive control”, growing without special influences, and the fourth lane with no DNA visible is my negative control, which I hoped would have little or no DNA (indicating little or no bacteria growing in it) – and that’s what I see.

It doesn’t prove anything at this point, but finally getting results and having them turn out to look the way I’d hoped is a good start. I wonder if I can get them into a clone library, separated, and sequenced before next weekend?

I’ll have to remember to thank last semester’s “Senior Seminar in Microbiology” instructor for assigning me that paper[1] – I thought some of the technology described in it sounded like it’d be useful to me personally.

Anybody else going to the Northwest Regional ASM meeting next weekend?…

[1] Wu L, Liu X, Schadt CW, Zhou J: “Microarray-based analysis of subnanogram quantities of microbial community DNAs by using whole-community genome amplification.” Appl Environ Microbiol. 2006 Jul;72(7):4931-41.