About this blog, Part 1: Me.

I thought it’d be useful to do a couple of posts explaining who I am (this post) and what I’m hoping to accomplish with this blog.

Don’t worry, I’ll try to be concise.

In a metaphorical nutshell: I’m a general-purpose nerd with a 15-year history of being a reasonably hardcore computer geek. I’m now escaping that field, and am a continuing undergraduate (at least as of right now.) who’s been painfully puttering part-time through college for many years off and on until recently – they don’t seem to make much provision for ““Non-traditional” students in US colleges. I’m now hoping to actually finish and graduate this summer – and then find an appropriate graduate program in whatever part of the country I end up in afterwards.

My area of academic interest is Environmental and Industrial (“Applied”) Microbiology. Medical microbiology, which seems to get all of the attention and funding, is somewhat interesting, but I’d rather people be able to benefit from anything I learn without having to get sick first.

In particular, at the moment I’m interested in exotic modes of respiration in prokaryotes. Or, more colloquially, fun (and preferably useful) ways of playing with live bacteria and electricity at the same time.

I’ve also got some interest in science history, public policy, writing and other forms of mass communication, public access to science, travel, food and food science, and at least casual interest in a wide variety of other areas. As such, you can generally expect that most of this blog will focus on microbiology and microbial biotechnology related topics, but will occasionally veer off in odd directions.

I also hope very much that someone besides me will get some pleasant usefulness out of this blog, so I strongly encourage comments, suggestions, corrections, and so forth.

Wow, I guess everything IS bigger in Texas…

…including, at least for today, my audience.

After being linked to from The Tangled Bank I’ve gotten hits from all over. Mostly using Firefox, I notice, and a large number of Mac users (plus at least one and possibly two fellow Penguinistas.)

Hits coming from all over – A few from Canadian colleges, Michigan, California, New York, the U.K., the Sydney, Australia area [update: Oh, and now India – Hello, India!]…and a surprisingly large number from Texas.

Interesting selection of institutions, too. Colleges, research institutions, government agencies…I just want to assure the readers from the disease and mental-health organizations (there was at least one from each) that I’m perfectly healthy and sane. For certain values of “perfectly”, anyway. At least, I’m not 5150 nor afflicted with any sort of terminal condition.

Since at least a few people seemed to come back and look at the rest of the site, I’ll endeavor to put up a post tomorrow on what exactly I’m trying to do in this blog and such (in case anyone’s thinking “that’s nice, but does this get better?…”).

But for now it’s bedtime – early morning Pathogenic Microbiology Lab tomorrow. Goodnight, all.