I finally got this thing updated to the current version of wordpress and got all the plugins updated. Now I just need to put something useful and/or hypothetically interesting in here.
But not until tomorrow – it’s already past my bedtime.
I finally got this thing updated to the current version of wordpress and got all the plugins updated. Now I just need to put something useful and/or hypothetically interesting in here.
But not until tomorrow – it’s already past my bedtime.
Just a quick test. I’ve been pondering the development of “consumer” (and “user”/participant, of course) technology.
I’m getting a great deal of useful enjoyment out of this relatively “low end” (by the standards of dang rich people who can afford to rush out and buy the latest thing every six months) Android phone. I named it “Imp” (any Terry Pratchett fans reading this?). I’m not sure whether to be pleased or disturbed at just how quickly I’ve gotten used to having a reasonably powerful computer with nigh-unto-ubiquitous Internet access at virtually any time I’m conscious. Fortunately, mostly the former.
And speaking of “consumer” technology, anybody like pie? Yes, that’s a VENDING MACHINE in that picture, and those ARE full-sized pecan pies in the bottom of it. At least, that’s what you should see if this WordPress application for Android is actually working.
Not much to say in this post, other than a reassurance to the one or two people who care that I really am still here. I’ve just been ridiculously bogged down for a while now.
There will be more here, honest.
Just an observation while I wait for my lunch – I’m getting several obviously-fake user registrations a day here now. It makes no difference, since registering as a user doesn’t immediately allow mass un-moderated posting, but seeing the stream of notices from the blog IS slightly annoying.
Also, blogspot sucks. Apparently a few years ago some dork made a “blogspot” theme that hotlinked (idiotically) a blank white graphic on my other webserver. Why they didn’t just use a background colo I have no idea, but now there is a mass of blogspot blogs in Indonesia, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, etc now clogging my webserver’s log with requests for this now-non-existent file.
I need to find a massive site-choking graphic I can redirect them to until they knock it off. Any suggestions?
Oh, I forgot to mention here that Episode 4 is up at http://www.dogphilosophy.net, where I’m trying out the “Powerpress” plugin for WordPress to see how it works out. Please give it a listen and let me know how it is.
I’m still plotting to expand out to three different podcasts/oggcasts or so, including of course the current Stir-Fried Stochasticity podcast (Science news direct from primary sources: scientific publications), an intermittent “Perceptive Peripatetic” series literally based on random things that I happen to run into as I wander around which happen to amuse, interest, or inspire me, and a “The Computer Is My Friend” free-fun-with-computer-nerd-stuff podcast. Upcoming episodes being considered for each include:
The schedule for all this is still unspecified (but far quicker than “another year” until the next episode, at least), and as usual is heavily influenced on what anybody who is willing to listen might be interested in. I may be doing this for fun rather than profit, but the fun will be greatly enhanced if I’m not just sitting here talking to myself. Feel free to post in the comments (anonymously if you prefer – just put a fake email address in the field that asks for it.)
My schedule means I have virtually no time to do anything but work (including the commute) during the week, and increasingly the two days of weekend that I have tend to have an overflowing list of “stuff I’ve been wanting to do – often for quite a while – but can’t possibly do much of in the time I have this weekend”
I’ve got a minimum of two different podcasts/oggcasts that I can be working on (Episode 4 of “Stir-Fried Stochasticity”, regarding Tuberculosis and “heat-fixing” [and ninjas], should be ready to post soon. I also have plans to do an intermittent computer-nerd podcast, perhaps also to be submitted for “Hacker Public Radio“.) I have a bit of relatively minor but useful hardware-hacking to do (make a cable allowing me to plug an external microphone into my Android phone for potentially recording podcast/oggcast material and other things). I have work to do on www.dogphilosophy.net (which I plan to turn into the main podcast/oggcast distribution site). I have vague ideas of general creative endeavors that I could work on developing. I have a seemingly endless mass of domestic chores that could be attended to (it’s quite frightening to think of myself as “the neat one” in this house…).
It’s grotesquely hot outside as usual (why is it that no matter what part of the country I live in, the temperatures seem to spend most of their time 5-10°F above supposedly “normal” for the last decade or so? My hypothesis is that the universe dislikes me for some reason), so outdoor activities are currently lacking from my list.
I need one of those “life” things I keep hearing about. I’ve heard they’re kind of fun.
Any suggestions from anyone (anonymous or otherwise)?
P.S. Motorola corporation sucks. Thankfully it turns out HTC (unlike Motorola) actually knows what “geotagging” means…
Also P.S.: only one post and one off-blog comment letting me know the “Breakdancing Ghost of Narada Falls” post actually worked. Did anyone else listen to it (or try to and find they couldn’t)? If so, how did it sound? Thanks…
Gather around the campfire, boys and girls and everyone else. It’s story time.
(This is both an attempt to entertain AND a technical test – I’d be most appreciative if any or all of you left me a comment letting me know how this works for you. I’ll put some technical information at the end of the post.)
This story concerns a certain location in Mount Ranier National Park…
After you hear this harrowing tale, if you can’t make it out to Mount Ranier National Park to verify the story for yourself, you can see a picture of the monument online. Click or scan the QRCode image to the right to see it after you’ve heard the story.
Feedback is welcome and encouraged. For those who are interested, here’s what this post is supposed to do, technically:
If you are viewing this post in a modern (HTML5-supporting) browser, the “native” audio player in your browser should appear above, allowing you to press “play” and listen to the story. All but one of the modern HTML5-supporting browsers support the high-quality (and legally free to use) “Ogg Vorbis” audio format and will play that version. If you are in the minority of HTML5-browser-using population (Safari), an MP3 version should play instead. (The problem with Safari is that Apple doesn’t include a Quicktime component for Ogg media formats out of the box. Personally, I would recommend going ahead and installing the Free Quicktime Components, which will enable Ogg media formats for Safari, iTunes, and all other Quicktime-using programs.)
If you are NOT using a modern, HTML5-supporting browser at all (or are perhaps using one I’ve never heard of that supports neither higher-quality Ogg Vorbis nor MP3) – mainly Microsoft’s “Internet Explorer” browsers and really old versions of Firefox or Opera that may still be in use – if you have Java installed, a Java-based Ogg Vorbis player should appear instead, allowing you to play the higher-quality audio anyway.
If your browser doesn’t support HTML5 AND doesn’t support Java, a link to an Adobe Flash-based MP3 player should appear. Click on that, and you SHOULD have a window pop up that will play the lower-quality MP3 version of the audio.
In short, nearly everyone should be able to play the audio if I’ve done all of this correctly. Please let me know.
I’m still around, honest. Just got back from a semi-business trip involving way more sitting-in-a-car than is comfortable. I have a few pictures from the trip, which I’m working on getting uploaded to my Panoramio page. A few are up now, a few more will follow soon. See anything you like?
Meanwhile, I’m way behind on sleep. Good night, y’all. More in the next day or two…
I’ve been talking about it for months, now I’ve finally done it: I’m calling it “Pigsfly Pie”…and it’s awesome.
If you’ve not run into it before, there’s a classic Pennsylvania “Dutch” recipe called “Shoofly Pie“, which is more or less a dense molasses cake in a pie crust. It’s quite good…but I’ve improved on it. As the name implies the secret ingredient is the semi-official food of the Internet…Bacon.
Here’s the secret recipe:
Next time I make it, I’ll probably use a deep-dish crust, then float pecan halves all over the top before sprinkling on the topping and baking…
All Hail Bacon!
Ah, the latest WordPress for Android release appears to have solved the problem with getting new posts entered and posted…
Bad Behavior has blocked 102 access attempts in the last 7 days.